
Week 3, Day 1 This is the beginning of Week 3! We are getting our blood pressure down by working a little bit each week on something that may be affecting our stress level or our health. This entire week we will be working on relationships. For many of us it is our intimate relationships at home and work that are causing us stress. One thing I work hard to instill in my life coaching clients is that YOU ARE in control of your life. Stress, depression and anxiety in a lot of instances come from the feeling of being out of control. So many of us are not living the life we imagine and are not doing things that bring us happiness. Please remember that you are in control of who you invite into your life. Regardless of the relationships you have had in the past, you can open and/or close doors to who you want in your life. You can be respectful of people and love them with boundaries. Remember to treat yourself with the love and respect you expect from someone else. Regardless of whether or not you have experienced love or not, whether you are recovering from a broken heart, you can recover by focusing on you and what you need from life. Ask yourself what you want and how do you want to